Eloise & Marissa
Elly joined MissFit in December 2015, and when she continued to rave about it, Marissa wondered what all the fuss was about, and decided to give it a go. It didn’t take her long to see why Elly had become a fan, and she soon shared the MissFit addiction and decided to join the team. Marissa finds that the training sessions can be easily adapted to her busy schedule, and loves the challenge that every session brings. No one session is the same – Kate’s brilliant ideas and experience in designing fun and challenging activities ensures that participants are exposed to exercises working all parts of the body, with a mix of cardio, weight training and core strength work. And it doesn’t matter about your level of fitness, speed or skill, as the MissFit classes cater for all levels. You certainly know you’ve had a great all-body workout when you’re sore from head to toe for days following! Kate’s variety and passion makes all other forms of exercise seem dull by comparison, and without the training companionship and motivation of training with a buddy, they simply don’t compare! Not only does training with someone offer you some company, it’s good for keeping you accountable. You feel a sense of responsibility to make it to training when you’ve made a commitment to someone else. However, we do find that the girls at Missfit are friendly and encouraging for those times when we can’t train together, which makes a real difference. Take our word for it, our MissFit journey has just begun but there is certainly no looking back! We are so happy to be able to share this challenge together, and love the support that MissFit provides our ‘sister act’. ”
-Marissa & Eloise.